Posted on by Cleverona Kitchen

Quick Last-Minute Halloween Party Prep

This is your time to shine and throw a much-anticipated Halloween party. The problem is, it’s either you were too busy that you forgot you’ll host one this year or you’re procrastinating, that you haven’t planned anything yet. Whatever your reasons are, for sure you can pull this off with creepy decorations, costumes, food and drinks, invites, and some gimmicks. We’re here to help you with these quick, last-minute Halloween party prep so you can survive the spooky night with a bang!



Halloween party invitation

The invitation is the first thing you need when you want to inform people that you’ll host a Halloween party. This should be done weeks before the event, but you can send it a few days or a couple of hours before Halloween especially since your guests already know that you’ll be setting up for this year (they just need a confirmation). Sending invites is quick and easy nowadays, even at the last minute. You don’t have to write or print out and personally give the invitation cards, rather you can be creative and practical. You can do this by creating a short, cryptic message, with a theme, time, and place, and put in some spooky graphics, and send it out to your guests through email, messenger, or group chat. You can also send them cryptic invitation bulk texts to confirm their attendance. To make the party more controlled and intimate, invite only your close-tied family or closest friends (12 or less is enough if possible).



Halloween decors

Halloween decorating should be fun and fairly easy. No need to feel overwhelmed and stressed about it. The simplest way is to go to Wal-Mart or any grocery or shopping center, look for scary Halloween items and buy them. Or, you create your own, last-minute decors to make it more special. You can easily make creepy eyeball balloons by using white balloons and markers, and you know what to design. Stay true to the Halloween colors by making your party place black and orange. Top your cupcakes with printable bats, ghosts, and probably graves with names of your guests and R.I.P. printed. Using tape and some paper with labels of poison (skull warning) placed on drinks can add a cool, creepy touch on your decors. Place and light up some blood-dripping white candles on the front steps and table (just be mindful of the lit-up candles). Don’t have time to carve pumpkins? Take your old tick-o-treat baskets out and put in a candle or light for an instant Jack O’ Lantern. You can create cute mini-ghosts in the kitchen by putting eyes and mouth on your Omnihook Towel Dish. You can also tape spider webs (stripped out cotton) on the wall, table, chairs, bowls, and Stainless Steel Cups for drinking your “tasty poison.” Make things simple on your creative side, even with just tissue paper bats, to survive the night of terrors. 



Halloween costume

Chill, it’s just a Halloween party! It’s only one of the most sought-after celebrations of the year. Seriously, don’t fret on what costume to wear especially if you don’t have much time to prep. A cheap Halloween costume is enough to make it. If you can’t be scary, just be playful with your style. You can use your old worn out, dirty, bloody clothes and be a zombie. You can use your old scary masks as well. You may opt for a last-minute countryside costume, a mummy rolled in tissue rolls (wrap all parts but keep your arms and legs still moving), an iron chef, a mad doctor or scientist, or a goofy chip on the shoulder where you dress up in potato-chip-colored outfit (yellow/cream) attached with a potato chip bag on your shoulder (that you can also snack on). It’s never too late to come up with your costume, be resourceful, creative, and simple to make or wear, as long as it will fit your party theme.


Food and Drinks

Halloween food

Your Halloween party won’t be complete without food and drinks. But, can you do a last-minute prep for a spooky and satisfyingly-palate event? Some quick tips would be to go for “finger” foods and make them creepy looking with bloody dip (ketchup and sour cream) on sausage bites and finger-chopped baked potatoes. Throw in some bloody popcorn (strawberry syrup-filled). You can also bake some easy spooky brain and worm cupcakes on Silicone Cupcake Pan. There are a bunch of Tasty Halloween Food Ideas that are simple to make. For drinks, drop something potent with red wine or bloody Mary, a big bowl of strawberry or raspberry punch with eye-ball looking grapes and gummy worms, or refreshing tomato juice mix in a Largepour Airtight Black Pitcher. You can even inform your guests through your invites that it’s a pot-luck (this will save you food time prep and money) and for sure it’s okay for them to bring in some food or refreshments.



Halloween movie marathon

There’s so much that you can do on your Halloween party that quick to prep even at the last minute. Since you or your kids already have costumes, you/they can go trick or treating door to door. If the party is composed of teens or adults, for sure you have saved quite a lot of horror movies from your movie library, Netflix, or any streaming sites that you can watch on the big screen, and have a horror movie marathon. Don’t forget your blood-filled (strawberry-flavored syrup) popcorn. Go ‘round and share your scariest stories that will make your family and friends sleepless the whole night. You can also play some games that involve creepy things and dares, and even your Halloween decorations. Just be creative and resourceful. Of course, always put on eerie background music for added spooky effects.


Organizing a Halloween party can be overwhelming since you have to worry about the invites, decoration, costume, food, and activities. Remember that it’s a scary and fun holiday, so don’t spook yourself and chill, and we got you with our quick last-minute Halloween party prep ideas!