Posted on by Cleverona Kitchen

Seasonal Produce to Boost Your Immune System

Are your nose and throat always itching?  Are you sneezing all the time? Are you constantly blowing your nose? Well, you’re not alone. 

More and more people are complaining of colds and other ailments due to the cold weather.  So, you would want to do everything to stay well. 

You can start by adding some fall seasonal produce into your diet to help boost your immunity, so your body can combat the cold weather.

An average child may catch a cold at least six times a year while an average adult may catch a cold at least twice a year.  Unfortunately, the flu is quite contagious. 

It can be spread quickly from one person to another especially during fall or winter when the temperature is considerably cold.  It is hard to know when you’d be exposed to a cold virus.  Unfortunately, viruses do not respond to antibiotics.

To prevent flu, cold or other infections, make sure to boost your immune system.  Clean your body of toxins.  There are seasonal produce that can help strengthen your immune system.  They are antiviral, and they help keep your body in top shape.

Winter Produce to Add to Your Dishes

1. Garlic

seasonal produce garlic

Try to add garlic to your dishes.  Garlic is a perfect immune booster during cold winter months. It has Allicin, a natural chemical which helps fight off viruses and bacteria.

2. Citrus

seasonal produce oranges

Citrus fruits like oranges are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants that can support and strengthen your immune system.  Of course, vitamin C is also available in kiwi, strawberries, and pepper.

3. Nuts

seasonal produce nuts

Pistachios, walnuts, almonds are packed with vitamin E which is needed by the body to fight off bacteria and invading foreign bodies.  Needless to say, nuts are perfect for warding off colds.  They’re perfect as additions to salads, oatmeal, and freshly-baked bread; or you could pack them as a ready-to-eat snack.

4. Cruciferous Vegetables

seasonal produce broccoli

Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts are just a few of cruciferous vegetables that are available in fall and winter and can help boost your immune system.  They are also perfect for ensuring a healthy digestive system.  They are low in calories so that you can rely on them for vitamin C, antioxidants, minerals, and fibers.

5. Grapefruits

seasonal produce grapefruit

Grapefruits are packed with immune-boosting phytonutrients called bioflavonoids.  This is the same thing that gives these fruits the pinkish-red color.  The pink and red-colored ones offer the most nutritional benefits. These produce are packed with vitamin C which helps fight off viruses and reduce the symptoms of flu and colds.  Half a grapefruit meets more than 75 percent of vitamin C that your body needs daily.


Boost Your Immune System with Fruit and Veggie Juices

veggie juices

With the changing seasons, it is important to strengthen your body.  Cold or freezing conditions can weaken your immune system, making it susceptible to all kinds of illnesses.  The air is drier when it's cold, and it is often only a matter of time before you’d catch a cold.  This is why you need to focus on your health during the cold season.  The best way to do this is to protect your body with preventive measures.

One of the most efficient ways to do this is to drink fruit and vegetable juices.  They’re highly concentrated elixirs that will flood your body with nutrients and boost your immune system.  Start your day off with a glass of freshly squeezed juice.  Ideally, use recipes that combine both fruits and veggies.  It is a good idea to offset fruits with earth vegetables.  

Fruit juices are healthy on their own, but when mixed with veggies, they’re effects are strengthened.  This decreases the sugar content and maintains your sugar levels.  Try a variety of vegetables and fruits to please your palate. But what seasonal fruits and veggies are available to you this cold season?

1. Carrots

seasonal produce carrots

A medium-sized carrot can give your body 203% of the required vitamin A which helps maintain a healthy respiratory tract.  This also regulates the body’s immunity by helping control and promote the development of T-cell responses.  T-cells fight off infections when they occur.

2. Citrus Fruits

Oranges and grapefruits are a couple of citrus fruits that are packed with vitamin C.  This vitamin helps in the production of white blood cell and antibodies.  Deficiency in vitamin C results in weaker immune system and resistance to viruses and bacteria.

3. Tomatoes

seasonal produce tomatoes

A cup of cherry tomatoes covers 24% of the RDA of vitamin A and 34% of vitamin C.  Both vitamins contribute to a healthy immune system.  People who eat tomatoes frequently are less likely to suffer from infections.

4. Celery Leaves

seasonal produce celery leaves

The real value of celery is in their leaves which are rich in vitamins A, vitamins E, and minerals.  Vitamin E helps maintain the body’s immune functions.  It is a potent antioxidant and is perfect for warding off viruses this winter.

5. Pumpkin

seasonal produce pumpkin

Pumpkin is packed with vitamin A.  Don’t just throw away the pumpkin seeds too when juicing.  The seeds are rich in vitamin E, vitamin B6, and zinc.  Zinc helps with the production of T-cells, white blood cells, and other antibodies.

You can even make smoothies out of fruits and veggies, and store them ahead of time.  Use glass bottles to ensure that your juice container doesn’t absorb odors or flavors.

They are also easier to clean. You can use them today, clean them in the dishwasher, and then use them again tomorrow.  You will never run out of healthy seasonal produce juices and smoothies.