Posted on by Cleverona Kitchen

Featured Food Blogger of the Month: Tiffany Stroud of Seeing Sunshine

Tiffany Stroud is a Christian Army wife and writer. She loves blogging about faith, marriage, military life, and most recently parenthood on her blog Seeing Sunshine. Tiffany, her husband, and their six-month-old daughter live in Tennessee. She is an author of the eBook "Miscarriage & Mourning: Encouragement after Pregnancy Loss." When she's not writing, editing, or blogging, Tiffany enjoys visiting the beach and eating ice cream.

1. Your blog's message is inspiring. So, what helps you sustain your positive outlook in life?

choose joy

I've always believed that positivity is a choice. You can choose to see the clouds and focus on the negative, or you can choose to see the sunshine and focus on the positive. Even on the cloudiest of days, the sun still shines. That's really the mission behind my blog. I believe God is constantly blessing us, whispering to us, and leaving us "love notes." It's up to us to pay attention to see and hear Him. 

2. You have a beautiful daughter. What is the most surprising thing you've learned about being a mom?


I became a mama just over six months ago and it has been the biggest shock ever. I worked from home before having her, and now I stay home with her. You wouldn't think it would be that big of a change, but it has been a huge adjustment. Babies have all the control! My whole day is based on when she wants to eat or when she needs to nap. I've had to really lay down my own selfishness -- my plans and schedules -- and put her first. It's been hard, but her smiles and giggles sure make it worth it!

3. You've mentioned that you work as a freelancer. Can you tell us more about that?

I have worked as a freelance writer and editor for several years now. I've cut back since having my daughter, but this year I've been freelancing for a college -- writing articles for their alumni magazine or editing pieces for them. I enjoy writing for publications, meeting deadlines, and creating my own schedule. Plus, I can work in my pajamas!

4. You have so many recipes in your website. Do you create your own recipes? Where do you find inspiration for these recipes?

A lot of my recipes come from friends or family who have agreed to let me share their yummy food. I have recipes from my mom, grandma, mother-in-law, and friends on there. Sometimes I find a recipe and I tweak it to fit our tastes. My husband and I love food! Our favorite part of traveling is getting to try new restaurants!

5. What are the three recipes that best represent your kitchen?

seeing sunshine recipes
I go through phases where I'll make certain meals often and then I switch to some other meals and make them a lot. We have burritos often -- but there's not much of a recipe there. I just put chicken and salsa in a crock pot and then set out lots of fixings to stuff the burritos with. It's my husband's favorite meal. The other meal he loves most is Italian beef and hash brown casserole. (I love it too!) The third recipe that represents us is a cookies and cream milkshake that my husband makes for me. It's one of my all-time favorite treats. It tastes like a liquid Oreo! Yum!  Here are the links for those recipes: Hash Brown Casserole, Italian Beef , Cookies & Cream Milkshake


How to Reach Tiffany Stroud of Seeing Sunshine
